Butler Honors Three With Distinguished Faculty Awards

Professor Emeritus of Music James Briscoe, Professor of Education Suneeta Kercood, and Professor of Communication Ann Savage will be honored with Butler University’s 2016 Distinguished Faculty Awards.

Danko Reappointed to NCAA Presidential Forum

Butler University President James Danko has been reappointed as the conference’s representative on the NCAA Division I Presidential Forum, the BIG EAST Conference announced.

Summer Ballet Program Keeps Faculty, Students On Their Toes

“I’ve enjoyed getting to see not just the dance part of Butler, but we’ve been able to eat in Atherton and get stuff from the bookstore and so it’s been really fun. I’ve really, really enjoyed everything about this intensive.”

Notice: “Project Management Fundamentals” Email Is a Scam

Butler University warned the public today that an organization called Project Management International, which has sent out emails offering a class at Butler in August, is in no way affiliated with the University and has not been authorized to hold events on the Butler campus.

Butler Alumni Have Their Companies Moving Fast

Two of the fastest-growing Indianapolis-area private companies are being run by Butler University Lacy School of Business graduates, the Indianapolis Business Journal reported.

Building COE, One Wooden Block At a Time

Butler University is represented twice in the Indiana State Museum’s new exhibition Indiana in 200 Objects, a celebration of the state’s 200th birthday, which will be on view through January 29, 2017.