Butler’s School Counseling Degree Rated Among the Best
TopCounselingSchools.org has rated Butler’s M.S. in School Counseling degree as one of the best in Indiana.
Butler Again Listed in ‘Fiske Guide to Colleges’
Butler University is again among the roughly 300 schools listed in the Fiske Guide to Colleges.
Justine Koontz MM ’16 Earns Fulbright to Study in Latvia
Koontz said the time in Latvia also will allow her to seek some understanding of her upbringing.
All-American Erik Peterson Qualifies for U.S. Olympic Trials
Peterson will join 23 of the best runners in the country in the 10,000 meters in Eugene, Oregon.
Student Business’ Product is ‘Totes Cool’ (As the Kids Say)
They say if life hands you lemons, make lemonade. But what if life hands you empty coffee bean bags?
Butler Student-Athletes Post Success on the Student Side
Butler student-athletes posted a department grade point average of 3.253 for the fall 2015 semester and followed that up with a GPA of 3.338 for the spring 2016 semester.
Aaron Hurt ’08 Named 30 Under 30 Among Venue Managers
the International Association of Venue Managers Foundation (IAVM)’s 30 Under 30.
Building COE, One Wooden Block At a Time
Butler University is represented twice in the Indiana State Museum’s new exhibition Indiana in 200 Objects, a celebration of the state’s 200th birthday, which will be on view through January 29, 2017.
Brandon Gaudin ’06 to Be the Voice of Madden NFL 17
Brandon Gaudin ’06, former voice of the Butler Bulldogs men’s basketball broadcasts, will be the new voice providing play-by-play for Madden NFL 17 video games.
Professor Forhan Discusses His Starkly Honest Memoir
The happy and the horrible times of Forhan’s youth—and what happened after—are the subject of his starkly honest memoir, My Father Before Me .
Micah Nelson ’11 Named IPS Teacher of the Year
Indianapolis Public Schools has named Micah Nelson MS ’11 its 2017 Teacher of the Year.
Two New Members Elected to Board of Trustees
Two Butler alumni, Aaron Schamp ’93 and Beth Morris ’78, have been elected to the Butler University Board of Trustees.
Sophomore Siena Amodeo Earns Spot In Fulbright Summer Institute
International Business and Marketing major Siena Amodeo hopes one day to participate on the global stage, perhaps as a high-level employee of Google or Disney.
Sophomore Caitlyn Foye Crowned 500 Festival Queen
Sophomore Biology major Caitlyn Foye of Newburgh, Indiana, has been crowned the 2016 Indianapolis 500 Festival queen. See WTHR’s interview with her here. Foye was chosen from a final field of 33. The 2016 500 Festival Princesses represent 13 Indiana colleges and universities and 21 cities and towns across the state. With a cumulative GPA…
Evans Woollen, Who Designed Clowes Hall, Dies at 88
Evans Woollen, the Indianapolis architect who designed Clowes Memorial Hall, died Tuesday, May 17. He was 88. In 2013, the 50th anniversary of Butler’s beloved theater, he gave an interview to Butler Magazine in which he talked about how he was hired, why he decided to use exposed concrete, and how the building has held…