Sydney Riddle 
Human Communication and Organizational Leadership major; Race, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Critical Communication and Media Studies double minor
South Bend, Indiana 

Why did you choose to come to Butler and what are you studying?
I chose to come to Butler after my first official visit. My parents and I had visited many other universities but none of them felt right or like home to me. Butler was so warm and welcoming the minute we entered campus, and I couldn’t see myself anywhere else. I chose Human Communication and Organizational Leadership because I realized that not only was the College of Communication the most inviting to me personally, a specific class my freshman year with Dr. Eileen Taylor showed me how to grow to my fullest potential. This major can help me achieve what I wish to do, and that is to eventually be the head of human resources at a  company one day. 

Why did you choose to become a Student Orientation Coordinator (SOC)?
I chose to be a Student Orientation Coordinator because I met so many of my friends during my Orientation. I wanted to take all the joy and sense of community I felt and emulate it to the incoming class and transfer students, so hopefully they can feel what I felt and know they made the right choice with Butler.

What has being an SOC taught you about yourself?
Being a SOC has taught me more time management skills, but also that no matter your age or year, we are all going through the same things with school. Our team has been together for only a few months, but I have learned from them, and we have all grown as people together. Being a SOC has also taught me more about having a voice and if I have an idea, it is okay to speak up, because the worst that can happen is someone says no. No team is perfect, but in the end we all have one goal, and that’s to make Orientation the best it can be. 

What is your favorite part of Student Orientation?
My favorite part of Orientation would have to be the very first day where everyone is coming back to campus or moving in for the first time. Energy is high. My favorite spot is at Hinkle handing out shirts and answering questions from parents and students because not that long ago I was in their shoes and I know what they are feeling. 

What advice would you give Butler first-year students about getting acclimated to campus?
Just say yes. Your first year is filled with meeting new people and trying to figure out what you are wanting to do for the rest of your life, but you have four years or more to think about that. If your friends want to watch a movie on the fourth floor of Irvington, say yes, and if you have homework, bring it with you. Someone wants to go out to dinner or a walk, say yes. Taking time to not just be a student is important and can help with stress. Breaks are a must and if you feel overwhelmed, take one. The homework will be there when you get back.