has rated Butler’s M.S. in School Counseling degree as one of the best in Indiana.

In ranking Butler second in the state, the website wrote that “students are trained to respond to a host of issues facing the lives of public school Top Counseling Schools Best Valuestudents from every background. From diversity awareness to career planning, Butler’s curriculum contains actionable learning that students will apply every day in their future career in the Indiana public school system. Although this affordable counseling graduate degree program is geared towards those working in schools already, Butler also offers a ‘fast-track’ option that allows students to complete their degree in under three years.”

Schools were ranked based on their program completion rate, job placement rate, licensing exam pass rate, accreditation length, research productivity, and tuition and fees.

College of Education Dean Ena Shelley said the School Counseling program is highly respected “because of its rigor and relevance in counselor education. The faculty are exceptional and are leaders in the field at the state and national level.”

Top Counseling Schools’ purpose is to contribute to the academic mission of higher learning institutions by providing pertinent and objective information that counseling students and professionals find relevant to the field of counseling.


Media contact:
Marc Allan