Aaron Wright ’05 (He/Him)
Accounting major, Spanish minor
Partner at Marcum LLP

What does Butler celebrating Pride Month mean to you?
It’s great that Butler recognizes the importance of the LGBTQ+ community and that we all have so much to offer as contributing members of society. Particularly with the political climate being so polarized lately, it’s easy to get discouraged. By participating in Pride Month, Butler affirms its commitment to community and belonging and takes a stand against discrimination. Embracing these values contributes to a positive and enriching campus culture and prepares students for a diverse and inclusive world.

What advice do you have for current LGBTQIA+ students?
You may find an ally in the most unlikely places, especially in the workplace where someone might seem like they would not be supportive and will surprise you. ive people the benefit of the doubt, but only do so in a way that you are comfortable and protected.

What is something you are most proud of while you were enrolled at Butler?
I learned a lot about myself and others, particularly through study abroad, which I found to be a transformative experience.