Alexis Rice
Middle/Secondary Education and Mathematics majors, French minor

Lafayette, Indiana

What are you doing post-graduation?
I am moving to England to teach year 10 math for at least the next two years.

How did Butler support you in finding this job?
So many at Butler have supported me in my education and in chasing after my dreams and what I have wanted to pursue after graduation. Butler continuously offers students incredible opportunities to expand who they are as learners, and this has played a huge role in my drive to find a job abroad after graduation.

How did Butler prepare you for this next chapter in your life?
Butler provided me with resources and people who helped me work through the transition from college to ‘real adult life’. This has been vital to making sure my transition from college to the working world is smooth.

What are your long-term career goals?
My goal is to start or work in an education non-profit focused on growing access and resources to an equitable and global-focused education.

What are you going to miss most about your time at Butler?
The people at Butler supported me beyond belief in everything I have done in my four years here and in everything I hope to do after school. The people are why I chose Butler in the first place and they’re going to be the hardest goodbyes for me.

What advice would you give a first-year student as you reflect on your time at Butler? 
Soak it up. It’s cheesy, but the four years will literally fly by and all of a sudden you’ll be buying your cap and gown and wondering how you let so many precious moments go by without soaking them up when you had the chance.