Britany Goodpaster
Sales Operation Manager

Information Technology
Years at Butler: 3

How would you describe what you do at Butler?
I’m employed in the IT department of Butler Ventures’ startup company, AvantBlue, a value-added reseller (VAR). Our innovative approach has revolutionized the procurement process for IT equipment, resulting in cost savings for the University. By operating as our own VAR, we not only benefit the University but also extend these savings to other educational institutions and businesses, thereby generating revenue for the University.

What is the best part of your job?
Undoubtedly, the most rewarding aspect of my job is assisting people. Collaborating with the rest of the IT department and our vendors, we are able to source better pricing and solutions for the University. Moreover, we extend our support to k-12 schools and smaller universities, empowering them to achieve feats they deemed impossible within their budget constraints.

Share one thing that you are most proud of that you have accomplished here?
I am deeply proud to be at the forefront of this startup company. It has involved substantial effort, yet the satisfaction of knowing that we are making significant contributions to the University and advancing technology in education throughout Indiana is very rewarding.

What inspires you the most about working at Butler?
I am amazed by the constant innovation that is happening at the University. There’s a wealth of new ideas and thrilling projects unfolding regularly; you can’t help but be inspired.

What is the best advice you can give someone who wants to work at Butler?
The best advice I can offer to someone interested in working at Butler is to get involved! The community here is fantastic and incredibly supportive. You’ll find that it truly takes a village to run the University, and by immersing yourself in various activities and initiatives, you’ll not only build meaningful connections but also contribute to the culture of collaboration that defines Butler.