When Greg Jung MBA ’98 and his colleagues work with interns, they always aim to provide meaningful learning moments. Students don’t just check off tasks—they own initiatives, collaborate on projects, then give presentations about how the experience has influenced them. 

But even as the interns gain new skills, Jung says it’s just as important to learn from the students. 

“We value the perspectives of students, especially around new technology,” says Jung, Chief Growth Officer at Carmel, Indiana-based travel insurance company Seven Corners, Inc. “They are particularly strong with social media, which is typically what we’re lacking from a staff understanding. So the interns can provide that skill set. Especially because a lot of our social media is focused on aspirational travel, we really look for the younger demographic to come in and help us reach our target market.” 

As an MBA student at Butler, Jung pursued a concentration in Organizational Leadership. He appreciated the flexibility to fit classwork around his full-time job while moving through the program at his own pace. He credits Butler’s focus on servant leadership with helping shape his career. 

“The experience there, with it being smaller and more intimate, the professors really cared,” says Jung, who received his Bachelor’s Degree from Purdue University. 

“Butler has given me so much from an educational standpoint that I wanted to continue supporting the University and stay involved.” 

In addition to having served on the College of Communication Board of Visitors and the Alumni Association Board of Directors, Jung often hires Butler students as interns for Seven Corners. Roles include positions in marketing, sales, technology, and other business areas. The company recruits students from all class years, and as someone who discovered during an undergrad accounting internship that he didn’t really like accounting, Jung knows just how valuable those experiences can be. 

“We like working with the first- or second-year students as much as someone entering their final year,” he says. “It’s helpful to have an internship early in college because it can guide your career.” 

No matter the class year, Jung is constantly impressed by Butler interns. 

“I have always found Butler students to be very prepared,” he says. “They typically come in with a very strong work ethic. They are very professional in how they present themselves, and the projects they work on with us have been very beneficial for both our company and the student experience.”