Kate Thuma
Biochemistry major, Spanish minor
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Butler University’s Honors Program provides a unique and personalized experience for students, including access to unique Honors seminar courses, exploration of academic interests in undergraduate research through the completion of a thesis, study abroad opportunities, and much more. Meet Kate, a current Honors Program student. 

What’s the best part about being in the Honors Program? 
I have loved taking Honors-specific classes. These classes are multi-disciplinary, which brings together a variety of majors and ages. It is refreshing to be in a small class of people who all share a common thread—that of truly wanting to learn. 

What unique experiences has the Honors Program provided? 
As a first-year, I opted to live in the Honors wing of ResCo, thinking that it would be a good way to connect with people in a new place. I loved it! My hallway was filled with intelligent, friendly, and interesting students and headed by a wonderful R.A. with a zippy sense of humor. As the majority of us were in the Honors Program, we often shared First-Year Seminar classes, and it was a real treat to get to know some of my peers in both academic and residential settings. Within a month, I knew practically every person in my hallway, and we would study together and even do large group activities on weekends. Living in such a welcoming community my first year set the tone for an amazing Butler experience, and I am positive it was not just luck.

What advice would you give someone considering the Honors Program? 
If you are considering it, I think that means you already possess a quality that seeks knowledge and growth. You are interested in an opportunity to push yourself and to interact with like-minded people. Some people believe that Honors is simply extra work due to the thesis we must write to graduate. However, I firmly believe that someone who joins the Honors Program is already the type of person to pursue the types of undergraduate research or passion projects that can easily and painlessly be transformed into theses. If that is your concern, brush it aside! Instead, consider the amazing opportunities, unique classes, and community support that make the Honors Program special and worth every step on the journey.

What do you want to do after graduation? 
With a lot of hard work and luck, I hope to attend medical school after graduation and pursue a career as a physician. I love what I study and I am excited to further my education and complete this goal.