Leonardo Olivares Hernandez
Intended major(s): Accounting & Finance
Indianapolis, Indiana

Learn more about Leonardo Olivares Hernandez, an incoming Bulldog and Lilly Scholar. Leonardo is one of nearly 100 Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship recipients at Butler.

What does being selected as a Lilly Scholar mean to you? 
It means the world to me to have been chosen as a Lilly Scholar! It was the answer to a prayer, which I give thanks to God for. Being a Lilly Scholar has provided me with the opportunity to pursue my higher education at Butler University. I will take full advantage of this opportunity and will always be grateful for it.

Can you share the process you went through to become a Lilly Scholar? What was the most challenging part?
The Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship application process was long and complex but worthwhile. The initial step was to apply to my high school in hopes of being chosen as one of the two candidates who would be able to officially apply for the Scholarship. Under the guise of resolving some concerns with my fall schedule, my counselor and our college admissions coordinator brought me into the office, where, in actuality, two CICF representatives told me the wonderful news. That’s when I learned I had been awarded this scholarship. 

The most challenging part for me was writing my reality in the four essays they required us to submit. It was an opportunity to reflect on where I’ve come from and where I strive to go.

As a Lilly Scholar, what made you choose Butler University?
My decision to attend Butler University was simple. The Butler experience of my brother, Jose Olivares, who is also a Lilly Scholar, helped me feel more at ease on campus. Butler’s smaller class sizes and close-knit campus community create a supportive environment that will help me thrive academically and personally. I am excited to be a part of such a vibrant and dynamic university, and I can’t wait to see where this new chapter in my academic journey will take me.

 What programs or aspects of Butler are you most excited about? 
I can’t wait to experience and learn at the Lacy School of Business and be part of the Honors Program. The hands-on learning opportunities, networking events, and real-world experiences offered by the Lacy School of Business are what I am most looking forward to. I am eager to develop my skills and knowledge in a field I am passionate about, surrounded by supportive faculty and driven peers. 

What are your expectations for your first year at Butler University?
I plan to establish strong relationships with my professors and classmates, engage in meaningful academic and extracurricular activities, and contribute positively to the campus community. Overall, I am excited to begin this new chapter.

What advice would you give to high school students aspiring to become Lilly Scholars?
One piece of advice to high school students aspiring to become Lilly Scholars is to start early and stay organized. Research the scholarship requirements and deadlines well in advance, and create a timeline for completing all necessary steps. Additionally, it is important to showcase academic excellence, leadership, community involvement, and a passion for making a difference in your community. Don’t be afraid to show who you are in these essays.