Megan Lambert
Intended major: Health Sciences with a Medicinal Spanish minor 
La Porte, IN 

Learn more about Megan Lambert, an incoming Bulldog and Lilly Scholar. Megan is one of nearly 100 Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship recipients at Butler.

What does being selected as a Lilly Scholar mean to you? 
Becoming a Lilly Scholar proved to me that I am enough. It reassured me that I am smart, beautiful, and kind. I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to attend Butler without the Lilly Scholarship, and after meeting my roommates, professors, and counselors, I couldn’t imagine going anywhere else. 

Can you share the process you went through to become a Lilly Scholar? What was the most challenging part?
The process took years of hard work. The most challenging part was believing in myself and not comparing my essays to others. I rewrote two or three of my essays. Even when I submitted them, I was unsure of my writing abilities because I wanted to succeed. Another thing I struggled with was writing in a way that would let them see who I am and not only the struggles I went through. 

As a Lilly Scholar, what made you choose Butler University? 
Butler was the only university that treated me as a person before a student. I received personal letters from admission counselors and students telling me how thankful they were that I visited and to never feel afraid to reach out. With the larger universities, I felt like just another number, but Butler truly wanted to get to know me. It’s the small things that make Butler much more special.

What programs or aspects of Butler are you most excited about? 
I am most excited about my First-Year Seminar (FYS). I met Nii Abrahams, the Director of First Year Experience, at a Lilly Endowment get-together at Butler University, and I really felt connected with him. He explained his class, and I knew it was what I wanted to be a part of. I am also looking forward to supporting the athletic teams

What are your expectations for your first year at Butler University? 
In all reality, I have no idea what to expect because I haven’t done anything like this before. College is a whole new milestone. I have already met my roommate and suitemates, so I am hoping we can branch out and find a new home away from home. Having this form of independence will be challenging but so rewarding. 

What advice would you give to high school students aspiring to become Lilly Scholars?  
When applying, remember that the people reading your application are people who have had hardships as well. I was a mess when preparing for my interview, but when I got to the interview, they made me feel so at ease, and I could be myself. I encourage you to be your true self in your essays. They want to know who you are, not a facade of the perfect student. It’s okay to make mistakes!