Jade Eilers
Major: Journalism
Minor: Political Science
Dayton, Ohio
For more than 30 years, Butler has been awarding the Morton-Finney Diversity Scholars Program Award to students who have invested intentional time and energy in advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives in their schools or communities.
Why did you apply for the Morton-Finney Diversity Scholars Program?
I applied for the Morton-Finney Diversity Scholars Program because it seemed like a great continuation of my work in high school. I’ve always been passionate about bettering the community, and I was so excited to bring that to Butler. Transparently, I couldn’t afford Butler without this scholarship, so it’s changed my life to be able to attend Butler as a Morton-Finney Diversity Scholar.
What have you gained as a member of the community within Morton-Finney and how has this program made you feel?
Through the Morton-Finney community, I have gained so many things. I have gained public speaking, graphic design, and major leadership experience. This community has always been a safe place to land, share my opinions, and learn more about my identity. I not only feel supported by my cohort of students but also by the staff. I feel seen, heard, and valued by the Morton-Finney/Diversity Center staff. Being named Morton-Finney of the Year this past year has been the most meaningful accomplishment of my time at Butler.
What types of programs, events, or volunteering have you done during your time in the program?
I have been able to really work on my leadership experience with this program. I was able to serve on the Morton-Finney Equity Leadership Team (MELT) in the Community Connections Committee. I started the Morton-Finney Instagram, tabled to high school students, and have worked internally to effectively communicate about this program. We also have had many volunteer opportunities with kids in the community and wonderful programming at meetings. My favorites have been Deliberate Dialogues about various topics like policing, voting, and more.
What advice would you give to an applicant for the Morton-Finney Diversity Scholars Program?
I would recommend really sharing your excitement and passion for the program, along with a plan for how you want to better the program and the Butler community. Know who you are and how to share that in the application. We want to get to know YOU!