Bella Uribe
Intended Major: Sociology and Psychology
Hometown: Toledo, Ohio

What were you involved in during high school?
I assumed many leadership roles throughout my time in high school. During my senior year, I was president of my school’s theatre program (Troupe 8553) and I founded my school’s Latin American Student Organization (LASO). I led that my junior and senior year.

 How did you first hear about Butler?
I heard about Butler through a mail pamphlet that highlighted student life and diversity. I was very drawn to it because my high school has a lot of diversity events (Holi celebrations, Iftar dinners, Black History Month cookouts, etc.) and I thought it would be nice to continue having those things around me during my college career.

Why did you choose Butler?
Mostly for the Morton-Finney Program. Even prior to applying (and being accepted!) I was told that Butler is very big on diversity and inclusion, as well as student led events and that made me very excited to be on campus. I’ve also spoke with Butler alumni and people who know the University and they’ve told me that I’m going to have an awesome time, which really puts my anxiety about college at ease.

What do you hope to get involved with on campus?
Any diversity events happening on campus, but I’ll probably try a little bit of everything (intramural sports, classes at the Health and Recreation Complex, participating in sorority life) and see what I like from there. It never hurts to try something new.

 What are you looking forward to most while being a student at Butler?
Honestly, being on campus and enjoying college life. The vibe I get from testimonials and word of mouth make me so excited to just be there and to see what life has in store for me in this new chapter.