Parker and Clara Williams
Clara’s Intended Major: Elementary Education with a concentration in Special Education
Parker’s Intended Majors: Sports Media and Strategic Communication
Hometown: Bloomington, Illinois

What were you involved in during high school?
Clara: I was majorly involved in our choir program at school by participating in the Treble Voices a cappella group and I was in musicals. I also was on the Student Class Board as social media coordinator for three years, along with participating in Student Council. During my final year of high school, I was the assistant stage manager for our theatre productions and I also was the social media coordinator for our college and career program. Along with this, I got the opportunity to intern at various elementary schools through our Introduction to Education class. Outside of school, I took ballet classes.

Parker: I was involved in my high school’s jazz band and choir, musical drama club, and cross country during high school. Another thing I participated in was the media for my school’s esports team and I did outreach through Generations Connect. In addition to this, I was committed to my school’s spirit club, Iron Invasion.

 How did you first hear about Butler?
Clara: I did not know much about Butler until it got on my radar because of my brother! We were visiting different colleges during the summer of our junior year and it was on his list.

Parker: I heard of Butler through word of mouth; I heard about a Butler University alumni who became a news anchor. I also knew of Butler because of their historic basketball runs in 2010 and 2011.

Why did you choose Butler?
Clara: Once I stepped on campus, I knew Butler University felt like home. From the super welcoming tour guides, staff and the beautiful campus, I knew that Butler would be an enjoyable place to be a part of. When I went to attended the College of Education’s Butler Bound event, I discovered how tight-knit the staff is with their students and the abundant amounts of opportunities I can receive from the program. It was the only college that truly felt right for me. I love the smaller class size, the “liberal arts” feel of the school, the beautiful greenery, and the amazing opportunities the University can provide me with!

Parker: I chose Butler for its small size, location, internships/experience, and for its sports. I love Hinkle Fieldhouse and the history that comes with the building. It is so cool to attend a university known for its connection to Indiana basketball. 

What do you hope to get involved with on campus?
Clara: I am looking forward to continuing singing in choir and I want to continue being in student government in some way, shape, or form. I would also love to get involved with the College Mentors for Kids program and Freshly Brewed A Cappella while seeing what else is out there.

Parker: I hope to get involved with Butler Sports Live and The Butler Collegian. I also plan on working with Butler’s many jazz bands and getting involved with Butler’s University choir.  While committing myself to media and music, I will try to add on some sort of outreach, potentially through a fraternity or a club.

 What are you looking forward to most while being a student at Butler?
Clara: I am looking forward to a new start on campus and making new connections. I feel like there are so many different things to discover at Butler and in the area, so I am excited to meet new people and broaden my horizons.

Parker: The experience and the ability to start a career in Sports Media, as well as attending Butler’s many sporting events, specifically men’s basketball, football, baseball, and women’s basketball.