News From Butler University
Can one little newspaper story change a life? It did for Max Schumacher ’54.
“I thought I was going to save the world from a classroom.”
During her 25 years as a public relations practitioner, Ramonna Robinson ’93 has seen the best and worst the world has to offer.
Why would a man who graduated cum laude with three job offers accept the one that didn’t quite match either of his two Butler University degrees?
Sixteen-hour work days? Jeremy Baldi ’09 loves them—as long as he’s spending them working for himself.
Butler University: Entrepreneurs welcome here
Jim Bagnoli ’75 offers Butler juniors and seniors a taste of the real world
Marielle Slagel Keller ’14 knew Butler was where she needed to be.
Mark Dobson ’84 wants to get individuals directly involved in creating social change in their communities.
Bill Dugan ’51 has watched Butler evolve for decades, but says the University is as caring as ever.
“Everyone’s here trying to help each other out to get to that next step.”
Four Butler alumni are doing their part to make sure children have dinner every night.