News From Butler University
Becky Dolan, who officially retires in August, has helped Butler’s Friesner Herbarium become nationally recognized.
After two kidney transplants and a battle with cancer, Trent Tipple M.D. will finally graduate.
Butler and three other schools see male and female students producing research at similar rates.
The fourth volume of the increasingly popular annual publication is now online.
This is the 57th year to recognize the Top 100 students’ dedication and service to Butler.
Professor Tom Dolan, who worked for Macy’s for several years out of college, found his passion in botany. Now, after 33 years at Butler, he has retired.
Sixteen-hour work days? Jeremy Baldi ’09 loves them—as long as he’s spending them working for himself.
Rare books collection gives students the chance to look at primary sources.
Billy Collins will speak at Butler on April 18.
Around the world, many children are better off because of Butler scientists’ influence on Hole.
Leona, a lady beyond a certain age, likes to break out in song.
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Provides Students with Opportunities to Work with World Renowned Researchers