Butler University proudly announces the renaming of the Center for Faith and Vocation (CFV) to The Compass Center—Multifaith Communities, Interfaith Engagement, Meaning and Purpose, and Spiritual Life. This change reflects over two decades of dedication to fostering inclusivity, diversity, and personal growth within and beyond the University community.

The Compass Center stands on four pillars, guiding students, faculty, staff, and the larger community toward a comprehensive understanding of spiritual life and personal fulfillment:

  • Multifaith Communities: Celebrating and supporting Butler’s diverse faith and secular communities.
  • Interfaith Engagement: Promoting cooperation, appreciation, and learning across differences.
  • Meaning and Purpose: Creating space to explore values, decisions, and life’s big questions.
  • Spiritual Life: Providing spiritual care and well-being practices for students, faculty, and staff.

“The Compass Center’s new name signifies a deepened commitment to inclusivity, recognizing the diverse journeys of faith, meaning, and spiritual growth among our community,” Raeghan Jefferson ’25, President of Black Christian Fellowship and Interfaith Council alumna, said. “This renaming not only aligns more closely with our mission but also celebrates the individual paths of discovery and connection.”

Under the stewardship of the Division of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, The Compass Center will enhance its contributions to Butler University’s commitment to cultivating an intentionally diverse, inclusive, and equitable community. It plays a pivotal role in education, accommodating religious practice and observance, and addressing academic, dietary, scheduling, and other needs.

Dr. Khalilah Shabazz, Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer, remarked, “The Compass Center’s evolution from the CFV marks a milestone in our journey to foster an inclusive environment that appreciates religious and secular diversity. This new name encapsulates the center’s mission and paves the way for an even greater impact within our community.”

The renaming process was a collaborative effort involving Bridge Builder Strategies and various focus groups, highlighting the need for language that more accurately reflects the center’s mission to support diverse religious and secular identities and encourage the exploration of meaningful lives.

“What we found in this process is that the CFV is pursuing so many different kinds of impacts that it was really difficult to capture all that in a single title,” Daniel Meyers, Director of The Compass Center, said. “But so much of our work is about helping people find something—finding connections, finding meaning, finding their direction—the idea of a place to seek and find is at the heart of our contribution to campus, and we think The Compass Center captures that well.”

Just as The Compass Center will maintain the same dedicated staff, community advisors, and campus connections, it will continue the legacy of promoting religious and secular diversity and exploring life’s big questions started by the CFV more than 20 years ago. This rebranding reaffirms the center’s commitment to fostering a space where all members of the Butler community can explore spirituality, purpose, and meaning.

“The Compass Center’s new name opens doors to understanding and engaging with the myriad of resources available for spiritual support, purpose finding, and faith guidance,” Alison Miccolis ’24, host of the Center’s Compass Conversations podcast and former CFV Communications Intern, reflected on the change. “It’s a testament to our inclusivity and dedication to serving every individual’s needs.”

For more information about The Compass Center and its programs, visit our website.