Daniel Meyers
Director of the Center for Faith and Vocation 
Years at Butler: 9

How would you describe what you do at Butler?
In my role, I support religious and secular life on campus, help foster interfaith engagement, promote vocational reflection for students within and beyond the classroom, and help support BUBeWell models through spiritual care.

What is the best part of your job?
The best part of my job is working directly with students as they build relationships, commitments, and skills that stretch them into becoming new versions of themselves.

What is one thing that you are most proud of that you have accomplished here?
I am proud of my work establishing the CFV Interfaith Council as an ongoing space for conversation and relationships across differences and seeing how that program has made lasting impacts in the projects and leadership it exercises on campus. 

What inspires you the most about working at Butler?
I’m inspired by our students’ commitment to learning, growth, and the pursuit of a more just world.

What is the best advice you can give someone who wants to work at Butler?
Butler is always changing, and that is both a wonderful trajectory to be part of and something that takes time to adjust to. By working here, I feel we get to shape the change, which is exciting and inviting.