Raeghan Jefferson
Majors: Public Health and Pre-Law Track
Fishers, Indiana 

What has participating in Dawg Days meant to you?
Participating in Dawg Days has been incredibly meaningful to me, especially because I never had the chance to experience it myself due to a personal scheduling conflict. My transition during the first year was really tough. Now, I love being the mentor I never had.

What’s your favorite Dawg Days memory?
My favorite Dawg Days memory was being a Student Coordinator and watching all the mentor/mentee matches come to life. The lasting bonds I and other mentors have made over the years have been the most fulfilling part of the experience.

Why should an incoming student apply for Dawg Days?
Incoming students should apply for Dawg Days because it provides a fantastic opportunity to start the year with a head start by moving in early, getting acquainted with the campus, and meeting soon-to-be familiar faces.