Raj Kadakia
Major: Pharmacy
Fishers, Indiana

What has participating in Dawg Days meant to you?
Participating in Dawg Days has meant everything to my first year experience. Coming into my first year knowing that I wouldn’t have as many people from the same background as me, I knew it would be super hard to have deeper connections in that way with my peers around me. Dawg days provided me with a mentor who could foster a deeper connection with me, and had everything I was looking for from a mentor, and then some. My mentor truly served his purpose and without him, I don’t think my transition to campus would have been as smooth, and I am very grateful to him and Dawg Days.

What’s your favorite Dawg Days memory?
One of my favorite memories was when I was a first-year in the program and I started connecting with the other Indian mentors at the time in addition to mine and we all hung out after one of the nights and played table tennis. It really made me feel like the mentors and I were equals and despite us being in a predominantly white campus, they made me feel more at home with playing Bollywood music and just being so inviting towards me.

Why should an incoming student apply for Dawg Days?
An incoming student, especially one from a marginalized background should apply to be in Dawg Days not just because they are likely from a marginalized background, but rather because of how it makes the transition to college easier. Dawg Days provides a supportive space that encourages students to come out of their comfort zones and to foster deeper connections with people of different backgrounds. It takes out much of the confusion, stress, and anxiety that first-years face when coming into our new space. Lastly, it helps to feel like students have a connected support system and have made some lifelong connections.