Chas Hall
Major: Music Industry Studies
Minor: Critical Communication and Media minor
Fort Wayne, IN

For more than 30 years, Butler has been awarding the Morton-Finney Diversity Scholars Program Award to students who have invested intentional time and energy in advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives in their schools or communities.

Why did you apply for the Morton-Finney Diversity Scholars Program?
I applied to the Morton-Finney Diversity Scholarship because I felt that my experiences could inspire others around me to be better versions of themselves, just as I have been inspired to do myself.

What have you gained as a member of the community within Morton-Finney and how has this program made you feel?
One thing that the Morton-Finney community has given me is a sense of belonging. Growing up in a basically all white community, I rarely that I felt like I fit in or belonged. Because of Morton-Finney, I have met people who are similar to me and I feel like an important member of the community.

What types of programs, events, or volunteering have you done during your time in the program?
Since Joining Morton-Finney, I have been involved in the Black Student Union and the BOOST mentorship program.

What advice would you give to an applicant for the Morton-Finney Diversity Scholars Program?
Speak from the heart. Your story is what makes you, you. Although we sometimes have similar experiences, the way that you interpret them can be vastly different than the way someone else does.